About me
I am a PhD student in the Advanced Interactive Technologies Lab , at ETH Zurich under the supervision of Professor Otmar Hilliges. I received my BSc (2019) and MSc (2021) in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, respectively, from Bilkent University. Priorly, I worked on modeling human driver behaviors via reinforcement learning and game theory.
Research Interests
My research interests lie at the intersection of deep reinforcement learning, computer vision, and human motion and behavior modeling. My current work focuses on proposing approaches to interpret humans from visual perception and model their behaviors in a generative manner via reinforcement learning. I am also interested in making the imitation learning pipeline more generative and utilizing transformers in reinforcement learning.
If you are interested in Semester/Master project in our group, you can check our available projects. If you have your own topic related with my research, you are welcome to contact me.
You can also find me on Linkedin, Twitter, and Google Scholar.