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Data Cafca: High-quality Novel View Synthesis of Expressive Faces from Casual Few-shot Captures WorldPose: A World Cup Dataset for Global 3D Human Pose Estimation GraspXL: Generating Grasping Motions for Diverse Objects at Scale MultiPly: Reconstruction of Multiple People from Monocular Video in the Wild 4D-DRESS: A 4D Dataset of Real-World Human Clothing With Semantic Annotations EMDB: The Electromagnetic Database of Global 3D Human Pose and Shape in the Wild Learning Locally Editable Virtual Humans X-Avatar: Expressive Human Avatars Hi4D: 4D Instance Segmentation of Close Human Interaction IM Avatar: Implicit Morphable Head Avatars from Videos EM-POSE: 3D Human Pose Estimation from Sparse Electromagnetic Trackers Towards End-to-end Video-based Eye-Tracking Learning to Assemble: Estimating 6D Poses for Robotic Object-Object Manipulation Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Explains Task Interleaving Behavior Deep Inertial Poser: Learning to Reconstruct Human Pose from Sparse Inertial Measurements in Real Time Cross-modal deep variational hand pose estimation Duo-VIO: Fast, Light-weight, Stereo Inertial Odometry In-air Gestures Around Unmodified Mobile Devices Code Grasping Diverse Objects with Simulated Humanoids VOODOO XP: Expressive One-Shot Head Reenactment for VR Telepresence EgoHDM: An Online Egocentric-Inertial Human Motion Capture, Localization, and Dense Mapping System ReLoo: Reconstructing Humans Dressed in Loose Garments from Monocular Video in the Wild HSR: Holistic 3D Human-Scene Reconstruction from Monocular Videos GraspXL: Generating Grasping Motions for Diverse Objects at Scale Human Hair Reconstruction with Strand-Aligned 3D Gaussians AvatarPose: Avatar-guided 3D Pose Estimation of Close Human Interaction from Sparse Multi-view Videos ROMEO: Revisiting Optimization Methods for Reconstructing 3D Human-Object Interaction Models From Images I-Design: Personalized LLM Interior Designer ContourCraft: Learning to Resolve Intersections in Neural Multi-Garment Simulations WANDR: Intention-guided Human Motion Generation VOODOO 3D: Volumetric Portrait Disentanglement for One-Shot 3D Head Reenactment Summarize the Past to Predict the Future: Natural Language Descriptions of Context Boost Multimodal Object Interaction Anticipation MultiPly: Reconstruction of Multiple People from Monocular Video in the Wild HOLD: Category-agnostic 3D Reconstruction of Interacting Hands and Objects from Video HAAR: Text-Conditioned Generative Model of 3D Strand-based Human Hairstyles SiTH: Single-view Textured Human Reconstruction with Image-Conditioned Diffusion 4D-DRESS: A 4D Dataset of Real-World Human Clothing With Semantic Annotations Dream-in-4D: A Unified Approach for Text- and Image-guided 4D Scene Generation ArtiGrasp: Physically Plausible Synthesis of Bi-Manual Dexterous Grasping and Articulation Physically Plausible Full-Body Hand-Object Interaction Synthesis FLARE: Fast Learning of Animatable and Relightable Mesh Avatars AG3D: Learning to Generate 3D Avatars from 2D Image Collections EMDB: The Electromagnetic Database of Global 3D Human Pose and Shape in the Wild Fast-SNARF: A Fast Deformer for Articulated Neural Fields Vid2Avatar: 3D Avatar Reconstruction from Videos in the Wild via Self-supervised Scene Decomposition PointAvatar: Deformable Point-based Head Avatars from Videos HOOD: Hierarchical Graphs for Generalized Modelling of Clothing Dynamics HARP: Personalized Hand Reconstruction from a Monocular RGB Video Learning Human-to-Robot Handovers from Point Clouds GazeNeRF: 3D-Aware Gaze Redirection with Neural Radiance Fields Learning Locally Editable Virtual Humans ARCTIC: A Dataset for Dexterous Bimanual Hand-Object Manipulation X-Avatar: Expressive Human Avatars InstantAvatar: Learning Avatars from Monocular Video in 60 Seconds Hi4D: 4D Instance Segmentation of Close Human Interaction TempCLR: Reconstructing Hands via Time-Coherent Contrastive Learning SFP: State-free Priors for Exploration in Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning gDNA: Towards Generative Detailed Neural Avatars D-Grasp: Physically Plausible Dynamic Grasp Synthesis for Hand-Object Interactions IM Avatar: Implicit Morphable Head Avatars from Videos A Spatio-temporal Transformer for 3D Human Motion Prediction Human Performance Capture from Monocular Video in the Wild Render In-between: Motion Guided Video Synthesis for Action Interpolation VariTex: Variational Neural Face Textures SNARF: Differentiable Forward Skinning for Animating Non-Rigid Neural Implicit Shapes PeCLR: Self-Supervised 3D Hand Pose Estimation from monocular RGB via Equivariant Contrastive Learning Shape-aware Multi-Person Pose Estimation from Multi-view Images EM-POSE: 3D Human Pose Estimation from Sparse Electromagnetic Trackers Improved Learning of Robot Manipulation Tasks via Tactile Intrinsic Motivation Learning Functionally Decomposed Hierarchies for Continuous Control Tasks With Path Planning CoSE: Compositional Stroke Embeddings Self-Learning Transformations for Improving Gaze and Head Redirection Convolutional Autoencoders for Human Motion Infilling Spatial Attention Improves Iterative 6D Object Pose Estimation ETH-XGaze: A Large Scale Dataset for Gaze Estimation under Extreme Head Pose and Gaze Variation Category Level Object Pose Estimation via Neural Analysis-by-Synthesis Human Body Model Fitting by Learned Gradient Descent Towards End-to-end Video-based Eye-Tracking Detecting Relevance during Decision-Making from Eye Movements for UI Adaptation Learning to Assemble: Estimating 6D Poses for Robotic Object-Object Manipulation Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Explains Task Interleaving Behavior Content-Consistent Generation of Realistic Eyes with Style Structured Prediction Helps 3D Human Motion Modelling Photo-Realistic Monocular Gaze Redirection Using Generative Adversarial Networks Few-Shot Adaptive Gaze Estimation Monocular Neural Image Based Rendering with Continuous View Control Context-Aware Online Adaptation of Mixed Reality Interfaces Unpaired Pose Guided Human Image Generation Video-based Prediction of Hand-grasp Preshaping with Application to Prosthesis Control Demonstration-Guided Deep Reinforcement Learning of Control Policies for Dexterous Human-Robot Interaction STCN: Stochastic Temporal Convolutional Networks Deep Inertial Poser: Learning to Reconstruct Human Pose from Sparse Inertial Measurements in Real Time Deep Pictorial Gaze Estimation Cross-modal deep variational hand pose estimation Learning to Find Eye Region Landmarks for Remote Gaze Estimation in Unconstrained Settings DeepWriting: Making Digital Ink Editable via Deep Generative Modeling AdaM: Adapting Multi-User Interfaces for Collaborative Environments in Real-Time Plan3D: Viewpoint and Trajectory Optimization for Aerial Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction Learning human motion models for long-term predictions Guiding InfoGAN with Semi-Supervision Duo-VIO: Fast, Light-weight, Stereo Inertial Odometry