
We present a new semi-supervised generative architecture that requires only few labels to provide control over which factors are identified. Our approach can exploit already existing labels or use datasets that are augmented with easily collectible labels. The pre-print can be found on arXiv. </p>


In this paper we propose a new semi-supervised GAN architecture (ss-InfoGAN) for image synthesis that leverages information from few labels (as little as 0.22%, max. 10% of the dataset) to learn semantically meaningful and controllable data representations where latent variables correspond to label categories. The architecture builds on Information Maximizing Generative Adversarial Networks (InfoGAN) and is shown to learn both continuous and categorical codes and achieves higher quality of synthetic samples compared to fully unsupervised settings. Furthermore, we show that using small amounts of labeled data speeds-up training convergence. The architecture maintains the ability to disentangle latent variables for which no labels are available. Finally, we contribute an information-theoretic reasoning on how introducing semi-supervision increases mutual information between synthetic and real data.

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@inproceedings{spurr2017ecml, title={Guiding InfoGAN with Semi-Supervision}, author= {{Spurr}, Adrian and {Aksan}, Emre and {Hilliges}, Otmar}, booktitle={ECML PKDD}, year={2017}, organization={Springer}, location={Skopje, Macedonia} }